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Hudson River Museum (2012)

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Announcing a New Book

Religion, Magic, and the Supernatural

The Autobiography, Reflections, and Essays of an Episcopal Priest


William V. Rauscher

Canon Rauscher writes of his experiences from his early years growing up in Highlands, New Jersey to his retirement after 40 years of ministry.  Throughout his life many serious interests and pursuits included not only his Christian path but also his decades of studies in psychic research, parapsychology, magic, and all phases of the supernatural.  He writes of his views or prayer, healing, parish life, magicians, Spiritualism, mediums, ghosts, mysticism, the occult, and fraud - with insights on numerous personalities from Arthur Ford, Eileen Garrett, Jeane Dixon to astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

A series of chapters covers magicians in his life, escape artists, ventriloquists, fakirs, and practitioners of mind control.  He includes a history of the spirit cabinet, both off and on the stage.  He profiles such luminaries, as Walter B. Gibson, John Calvert, and many others.  He discusses magicians and theology, performances in magic and religion, mysticism, religious awe, Masonry, magical wonder, and bizarre magic.  As  a former rector he presents his views on many aspects of parish life, including drama in the Episcopal Church, murder in the parish, and demands of parochial life.  The book contains 74 chapters in sections designated as: In The Beginning, The Formative Years, Psychic Adventures, Profiles and Encounters, Intriguing Personalities, A World Apart, Varied Perspectives, Religion and the Supernatural, Magic in My Life, Magic and Religion, and A Rector Reflects.

Religion, Magic, and the Supernatural is an overview of Rauscher's years as a priest, as a pastor, and as a researcher.  The book is Christian in its perspective, covering many controversial subjects.  Rauscher aims to show that life is a pilgrimage with many facets, side roads, intriguing personalities and offbeat interests.

The Rev. Canon William Rauscher's ministry began in 1957 as vicar of St. Stephen's Church in Florence, New Jersey.  In 1960 he began the nest thirty-six years as rector of Christ Church, Woodbury, New Jersey until his retirement on Easter Day, in 1996.  In 1971 he was made an Honorary Canon of Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, New Jersey.


Published 2006 by Mystic Light Press, Woodbury, New Jersey

8 1/2 by 11 - Case Bound - Color Cover 850+ Pages - Over 650 Photos and Illustrations

Price $50.00 - Postage and Handling $10.00 (US) - $20.00 (International) - Limited to 375 copies


Sales and Distribution

S.S. Adams, LLC

P.O. Box 850

Neptune, New Jersey 07754

Tel: 732-774-0570

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